Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Moment on Earth

"August 5th, 2004 at 12:00 noon GMT, and again exactly 12 hours later, 60 filmmakers around the world set out to capture a single Moment on Earth.

With participants in over 40 countries and on all 7 continents, the events and Heroes that they captured span a spectrum of emotions and speak to what it is to be human and alive on Earth today. The moments form the first two pieces of Satellite Films' original series, A Moment on Earth™" Satellite Films

Cheers ~

Monday, April 16, 2007

You're a Monster, Mr. President

But just when you think he can't go any lower, President Bush always finds a way to outdo himself. Today, in the wake of the incomprehensible slaughter of thirty-three students at Virginia Tech, the president sent out his spokeswoman to - first and foremost - defend the killer.

read more | digg story

I'm speechless!!! Appalled, repulsed, sickened. I have friends on college campuses, children of friends on college campuses, I attend classes on a college campus; and while this may have happened at Virginia Tech, it doesn’t by any stretch of the imagination mean that other college campuses are in any way immune.

As for the obtuse piece of work that is our so called president, how a man who is supposed to be a leader can be so stone cold hearted is beyond me. Is it that we simply expect more than he's capable of? Is it that we’ve forgotten his benevolence during the numerous preceding disasters? Is it that we believe – or want to believe – that the man has some semblance of compassion, if only a façade? Or maybe it’s that we don’t believe he can sink to yet a greater lower. Whatever the case may be, it almost surprising me that we’re forever stunned when this callous ass we call a president bestows upon us yet another of his narcissistic condolences.

Another incessantly astonishing thing to me is that after all the mass destruction, death, and deceit this man is and represents, there are interminable Bush disciples out there that would defend him until the bitter end and still beyond. Unbelievable! Talk about waking up and smelling the coffee, how about some smelling salts!

My heart goes out to all of Virginia Tech and all that are personally touched by this horrific tragedy.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sir Albert Einstein

~ He didn't speak until he was three years old and didn't speak in full sentences until he was nine.
~ His parents thought he might be retarded.
~ He had a learning disability, he was dyslexic.
~ He clashed with authorities and resented the school regimen.
~ He dropped out of school at 15 and failed his first college entrance exam.
~ His legacy was inspired by the movement of a needle on a magnetic compass at the age of five.


~ “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”
~ “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
~ “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
~ “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”
~ “The value of achievement lies in the achieving.”

Cheers ~