Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Elvis Presley's Letter to President Nixon

Elvis wrote this five page letter to President Nixon expressing his concern for our country and the, et alia, "[d]rug [c]ulture" and "[h]ippie [e]lements." In the letter Elvis explains that he has "done an in depth study of [d]rug [a]buse and [c]ommunist [b]rainwashing techniques."

Elvis wishes offers his services to the country and feels the best way to do so is as a "[f]ederal [a]gent at [l]arge" and "by doing it my way." He requests a meeting with the president and says he will stay "as long as it takes to get the credentials of a [f]ederal [a]gent.

The five page letter was written on American Airlines stationary and hand delivered by Elvis personally to the White House. The National Archives

Elvis Presley meets President Nixon ~

Cheers ~

Monday, July 2, 2007

Who Is Ron Paul?

Do you think this guy knows?

Photos taken July 2, 2007, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Cheers ~